Weather Station Status

This page shows the current status of the weather software used in the operation of this website.

Station system up for 17 Days 14 Hours 36 Minutes 53 Seconds
Station system free memory 613MB
Weather Display last started 5:59:39 PM 5/12/2015
Memory Used by Weather Display 83,820 K

Latest update time as of
01-Feb-2025 5:35:49pm MST
Weather Display (10.37R-(b255)) realtime NOT Current
> 15 secs
file not found
Weather Display (10.37R-(b255)) FTP NOT Current
> 315 secs
06-Nov-2015 2:38:04pm MST
Station Console Data Logger 610950
(Total contiguous data packets logged and subsequently loaded by WD)
ISS Backup Battery Status Ok
Station Console Battery Voltage 4.5
ISS Data Transmissions 144 5 0 32 4
(Total packets received, Total packets missed, resynchronizations, max contiguous packets, errors detected, performance)


Data Upload Status

The current webserver time is: 02/01/25 18:35:49 CST

Uploaded FileUpload FrequencyLast UploadTime Since Upload
Baseline Weather Data5 minutes09/18/22 09:56:41 CDT